Restoration of Typhoon RB396 has links back to Manston

Squadron Leader J M Bryan, Commanding Officer of No. 198 Squadron RAF, inspects the damaged starboard wing of his Hawker Typhoon Mark IB, JR366, at Manston, Kent, after returning from a ‘Roadstead’ mission involving an attack on three flak ships off the Dutch islands. Anti-aircraft fire from the vessels exploded cannon shells in the starboard ammunition pan, blowing off the panel and holing the wing. Bryan however returned unhurt and made a safe landing at base. © IWM (CE 108)
After following the Hawker Typhoon RB396 Restoration page for a little while, we were very interested to find the link behind this restoration and Manston.
They are attempting to restore and rebuild RB396 (XP-W) back to airworthy status.
Although RB396 doesn’t have links that we know of to Manston, Typhoons and Tempests played a vital role in the war whilst operating from there.
Another Typhoon, JR523 that was piloted by P/O Henry “Harry” Hector MacKenzie, a Canadian in 198 Squadron took off from Manston on the 3rd January 1944 but after a dogfight with Bf109s over Compiègne in Northern France, P/O Mackenzie was killed. Sixty-five years later, the wreck was recovered and P/O MacKenzie laid to rest. A large part of JR523 has been made available to be used in the rebuild of RB396.
We therefore hope that links back to Manston will be established as the project goes forward.
More details:
You can read more about the project on their Facebook page: Hawker Typhoon RB396 Restoration and website:
Further reading:
You can read further details about JR523 and P/O MacKenzie here: and here: